Update November 29th, 2021
November 29th, 2021
Planned activities for the week of November 29th include Tree Clearing, continuing to advance the Early Earth Works within the Kenogamisis and S4 Aggregate Pits and the Tailings Management Facility Quarry, stripping and excavating in preparation for foundation work, drilling and blasting within the Process Plant Site area and the Highway 11 Realignment, the installation of power lines and road construction.
What's coming next:
Greenstone Mine will be conducting scheduled blasts within the Project Area and within the Highway 11 Realignment Area. Blasting will occur on a regular basis during the construction and operations phases of the Project. Blasting Notices are posted on the website.
The Rosedale Point Air Monitoring Station located between the Rosedale Point Road and the Barton Bay Trail parking lot and the MacLeod Provincial Park Air Monitoring Station are installed, while electrical connection and commissioning continues. Earthworks in the Kenogamisis Pit located North of Highway 11 behind Between Bridges Inn continues with loading and hauling of pit run material to the future Process Plant Site (PPS) area. Temporary Power Line work continues with the installation of power lines along the future Plant Site Access Road and the future Tailings Management Facility Access Road. Construction of Pond B1 within the PPS area continues with material removal completed and berm construction on-going. Backfilling work to prepare the foundation for the future Administration Building is complete and piling installation has commenced. Stripping and excavation of the future Truck Shop is complete and backfilling in preparation for the foundation work has commenced. On-going hauling of material from the S4 Aggregate Pit to the future Tailings Management Facility (TMF) area continues. Erection of the Communications Tower located between Lahtis Road and the Process Plant Site is complete and mounting of tower communications equipment has commenced. Construction of TMF Access Roads between the TMF Laydown and the future TMF Quarry, and between TMF Laydown and the future Overburden Dump will continue. Drilling at the TMF Quarry in preparation for future blasting and crushing will continue. Construction of sedimentation ponds for water management will continue and stripping for construction of the Goldfield Creek Diversion dyke and channel will commence. Tree clearing activities within the Lahtis Road area in preparation for the construction of the TMF continues. Drilling and blasting within the future Highway 11 Realignment will continue towards the west. Construction site preparation and drilling for the future MTO Patrol Yard will commence.
The Tree Clearing, Earthworks within the Kenogamisis Pit, S4 Aggregate Pits and the TMF Quarry, the installation of power lines, the drill and blast program and road construction involve the use of heavy equipment such as zoom booms, cranes, drills, excavators, skidders, wood chippers, bulldozers, tri-axle haul trucks, articulated trucks and loaders. For health and safety reasons, we wish to caution the general public to limit non-essential traffic within the Hardrock Road and the Temporary Effluent Water Treatment area and to follow and obey posted signs across the Project area.
The safety of our employees, contractors and the general public is paramount as we construct the Greenstone Mine.