Donation and Sponsorship Application

As a member of the Greenstone region business community, Greenstone Mine's social responsibility is to support local, non-profit community organizations by providing financial contributions and/or goods for donations and sponsorships for the betterment of local communities.
The contribution must be used for the benefit of at least one of the following purposes:
- Education: Support educational programmes aimed at improving access to quality education, with particular attention to initiatives that encourage Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
- Culture & Heritage: Promote the cultural heritage, recognition and cultural celebrations of our host communities
- Health: Health initiatives that are focused on working with local communities to enhance healthy communities
- Community Development: The creation of sustainable prosperity with efforts that will be focused on building capacity within communities
- Environment: Encourage environmental stewardship and sustainable development through education, awareness, training programs, research and other conservation initiatives surrounding the communities where we operate
Priority will be given to non-profit organizations residing in the Municipality of Greenstone and local Indigenous communities for donations and sponsorships.
All requests are evaluated according to the degree to which they meet some or all of the following criteria:
- Aligns with Greenstone Mine business values
- Is a registered Canadian charitable or non-profit organization
- Addresses one or more of the above-mentioned purposes
- Benefits communities that neighbour Greenstone Mine
- Organizations that are not registered non-profit or charitable organizations within Canada
- Personal appeals by or on behalf of individuals, including the support of travel
- Professional sports organizations or events
- Organizations or programs that discriminate based on race, religious belief, gender or sexual orientation
- Political events or organizations
Applications must be received no less than 60 days before an event takes place or the funds are required.
Submitting a request does not guarantee a donation or sponsorship. Past support of your organization does not guarantee we will be able to donate again.