Greenstone Scoop

Greenstone Mine wishes to advise the public that open pit activities are underway. Greenstone Mine will be conducting scheduled blasts within the Open Pit. A link to the Blasting Notices is located on the company website homepage and is also available via the Greenstone Mine Notification System. Click here to learn more.
The public are reminded to continue to obey all posted signs across the Project area for everyone's health and safety. Construction in and around Greenstone Mine involves the use of heavy equipment such as haul trucks, shovels, telehandlers, cranes, drills, excavators, skidders, bulldozers and loaders. The old portion of the highway, including access to it through the MacLeod townsite, is now closed to the public. For health and safety reasons, do not enter any unauthorized or active work areas within the Project footprint unless authorized to do so.
The safety of our employees, contractors and the general public is paramount for Greenstone Mine.